A small plant, I begin;
Green, small leaves and so thin.
I will grow so tall soon.
I am the sunflower.
I rise up every day.
Best to plant me in May.
See my big leaves just grow.
I am the sunflower.
Watch leaves suddenly appear,
Higher, Higher, I sear.
Sunshine makes me happy.
I am the sunflower.
Yellow, is my round face
Standing high, full of grace.
Petals round, one big smile.
I am the sunflower.
In fields I stand with friends,
With our joy, happiness we spread.
Tell the sunshine to ne'er stop.
I am the sunflower.
Sudd'nly, my leaves turn black.
Dry weather, no water, soil cracked.
Stopping head down in shame.
I am the sunflower.
One big chop, goodbye stem.
My summer is over once again.
Fear not friend, I shall return, for
I am the sunflower.
© Leonora Sophie
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